Up and Comers


Words by Tom Steggall

Just after we have time to get over the monotony of summer blockbusters, we are pounded with further winter giants; only the sense of guilt induced by visiting the cinema is reduced in light of it being bloody cold outside. I really hate over-expensive, over-hyped film lunacy and this is why I look forward to winter films about as much as I would being forced to watch ‘Funny Games’ over and over.

The first film which I am predicting to be awful is ‘Life of Pi’, as far as I can tell it’s ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ only with the brutal torture replaced with a love of animals. Is this anybody’s idea of fun? An uplifting story is all well and good but you may as well watch the last ‘Lord of the Rings’, I guarantee that it will still be better.

#This leads me to ‘The Hobbit’, massively over budget and over-due, Peter Jackson will have to deliver a masterpiece in order to impress fans, the problem being how he will ever follow ‘Lord of the Rings’. Also, if you just like a mishmash of seemingly random events from different worlds and time periods, then you might enjoy ‘Cloud Atlas’, but I am not sure why you would seeing as it looks a bit like ‘Avatar’ but a lot less poncy.

On the plus side we have got Harry potter and Twilight out of the way so I suppose we can all look forward to January and Daniel Day-Lewis in ‘Lincoln’. Now there’s a film to look forward to.